I know this photo is from December last year but I couldn't help but dig it out for a fresh airing.
It's Manchester United living legend, Ryan Giggs, receiving an OBE from the Queen herself.
Ryan is class personified. Can't wait for the season to start on August 16!
(photo: Reuters)
And yet the Queen supports Arsenal... Interesting. Oh my goodness, i just thought of something! What if the Queen or some famous Arsenal supporter or player read my blog?! Imagine if Theo or Prince William was reading how I was moaning about Cesc and Carla? Scary...
Yay! Thanks for the Ryan love, LTG. This is one of my absolute favourites of my Ry 'cause he just looks chuffed to bits to meeting Lizzy. And he looks adorable in his morning coat!
It would be exciting for you, CLB, if a celebrity read your blog!!! It likely wouldn't be William, though, as he's a Villa supporter (I adore PW -- was obsessed a few years ago -- so of course I would know which club he supports. Can't for the life of me figure out why he'd support a Brummie team, though!)
~ Emily (Giggsy's Gal) xo
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