Yes, I'm elbowing my way onto the 'Dark Knight' bandwagon. Fess up, you want to scamper on too...all the cool kids are doing it! I haven't seen the movie yet, but I'm sure it lives up to the propaganda.
Christian Bale has been making the rounds for all the Batman press junkets -- he must be so tired of answering the same mundane questions regarding co-star Health Ledger and his untimely death. Attention interviewers -- Christian is a mighty fine actor in his own right and should be your main topic of Bat-conversation.
I'm such a girl, I don't like watching these kinda movies. And this one actually looks scary!!!
I am SO excited for this movie! I am biased to anything with CB, but this franchise has gotten good again thanks to Nolan and it's great to hear the amazing reviews DK is getting.... I'm looking forward to Heath's performance, but that's not the main attraction for me. The story, the directing - oh yeah, and did I mention CHRISTIAN. Hand off, ladies; don't you know he and I shall be man and wife one day - his current wife just doesn't know yet. Poor girl. Even my hubby would approve; he'd be jealous, of me! Anyway, this is the movie of the summer, period.
Okay, Maxmum, I'm sure you are a lovely person (with great taste in men, obviously), but you and I are going to have to throw down. I have loved Christian since Newsies. Yes, Newsies. Back in 1992. I have seen literally every movie he's ever been in (I even picked him out in Branagh's Henry V, cutie pie that he was then). I am obsessed. Beyond obsessed. That being said, I would lend him out to you on very special occasions as long as you promise to return him to me unharmed.
LTG, I cannot even tell you how excited I am for this movie!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had a countdown of days until it opens for almost a year. My friend and I have been eagerly anticipating TDK since we saw Batman Begins on its opening night. Oh my god, I am so excited that I have a hard time thinking about anything other than this movie!! Christian is sex on legs as usual, and I always really liked Heath Ledger. Completely chuffed that they ditched wooden Katie Holmes (the only bad thing about BB) and replaced her with someone lovely like Maggie Gyllenhaal! Also, Morgan Freeman and Michael Caine are god-like in my eyes, so any chance to see them in a film is a good time.
I really feel badly for Christian having to do the tedious promotion. He hates interviews (the banality of it all would make me want to vomit, too), and he's expressed how disappointed and saddened he is that he's not doing all of the press alongside Heath. (Sounds horrible, but I'll mention it anyway: When I heard that Heath had died, my first reaction was shock and bawling my head off. Then ten seconds after I heard the news, as I was sobbing on the kitchen floor, my next thought was, "Oh my God, does this mean they're going to postpone or stop the release of The Dark Knight???!!! Nooooooo!" Yep, I'm going straight to hell, I know it.)
I knew that Heath would be brilliant as the Joker, but I do hope that darling Christian doesn't get lost or forgotten amongst all the fervour surrounding Heath and possible Oscar noms. Christian is easily the best actor of his generation and the least appreciated by the media at large.
Yay! Can't wait until tomorrow!!!!
~ Emily (Giggsy's Gal) xoxo
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