Titled 'Crush', it kinda sums David up, don't you think? Many gals have one on David - and why not? Bad boys are over-rated, don'tcha know!
(photo: www.davidarchuletaofficialsite.com)
Named after a favourite song ('Lose That Girl') by one of my favourite bands (Saint Etienne), this blog serves as my online pop culture playground.
In the world of pop culture, if I love something, I'll rate it, and if I hate it...well, you will know that too! Lose That Girl - the rate it, hate it blog!
Great post! You write very well! Check out my blog if you have some time!
- Bob The Mohawk
The song isn't groundbreaking, but it's a solid pop tune. And I'm a big sucker for a good pop song ("Since you've been Gone" anyone?)
I've listened to "Crush" about 30 times now and I still LOVE it. I think it's the perfect first song for Archie, and for me, one of the best from a former AI contestant post-idol.
It's really nice to hear him sounding current. Can't wait for more!
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