That finger gesture, Giggsy's stern look, and Cristiano looking cocky (as per usual). Got any ideas for captions?
(photo: AFP/Getty Images)
Named after a favourite song ('Lose That Girl') by one of my favourite bands (Saint Etienne), this blog serves as my online pop culture playground.
In the world of pop culture, if I love something, I'll rate it, and if I hate it...well, you will know that too!
Lose That Girl - the rate it, hate it blog!
"You try any of that passive-aggressive warfare-by-media again, and I'll fuckin' bury you, kid!"
That's my dream, anyway! I know Ry's too classy to actually say that to Cristiano's face, but I'd like to see Ryan kick some serious ass.
~ Emily (Giggsy's Gal) xo
What's happened to me? A few months ago I would have been able to think of something bitchy and witty to say about this picture. Now I'm just drawn in by Ken-Ron's cocky, but so irressitble expression. I need help.
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