Meet the Talking Moo Mixer -- an interactive chocolate milk blender. What will they think of next? It's baffling. Someone actually invented this cheesy thing, got it patented...and is now probably cruising the globe on the moola it grossed. Just goes to show you - don't make fun of the nerds that sat in front of you in high school!
Oh, you want to know how this thing works? Just press the jersey cow patterned lever and WHISK! Moooo cow noises a plenty with your carefully churned chocolate milk. Easy? Guess so. Probably a bit messy and boring too after the first whisk attempt unless you're under the age of five.
Annoy friends & family easily and quickly! I'm sure it won't take much! And no, I won't be buying one. Yeah, I do like many a silly item, but I do have my standards.
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