Friday, November 28, 2008
RATE IT! Snoopy Come Home
RATE IT! Buy Nothing Day

Today, the day after American Thanksgiving is traditionally known as 'Black Friday'. It signals the unofficial start to the holiday shopping season. Stores in the States typically open in the early hours to allow for the crazy crush of shopping shenanigans to get a head start.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
RATE IT! Gossip Girl Sneak Peek - Episode 12
RATE IT! Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

Happy Thanksgiving to all our American friends!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
RATE IT! Four Christmases

A modern day gem of a Christmas movie is about as hard to come by as an Elmo doll on Black Friday. Seriously, just give it a think for a moment. In the last few years we've had 'Elf', 'Love Actually' and um, that's it really! We'd have to step back into the 80s to pick up 'One Magic Christmas', 'Christmas Vacation', and...not much else. See! A good holiday movie is a dime a dozen (and don't get me started on the dreadful 'The Holiday'. Kate Winslet should be ashamed!).
RATE IT! Girl Guides - They Care

The humble Girl Guide cookie. An institution. You don't mess with institutions - unless you live in Canada. When I heard that the Guides were tampering with their recipe for the famous sandwich cookies, I got nervous. But perhaps I don't have to worry -- the Guides, always caring, always helpful -- are busy sifting & measuring ingredients (or, more like Dare Cookies are doing the dirty work) to make a cookie with 90% less trans fats.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
RATE IT! Sex and the City Sequel News

RATE IT! Charlie Brown Thanksgiving
RATE IT! Ptikobj
Monday, November 24, 2008
RATE IT! No Kiss of Death for Lipstick Jungle
HATE IT! No Monday Gossip

Sunday, November 23, 2008
RATE IT! Giggsy & Owen Connect Four
Saturday, November 22, 2008
RATE IT! Strawberry Switchblade
Friday, November 21, 2008
RATE IT! Toast -- With Paul Young
Thursday, November 20, 2008
RATE IT! Snoopy Come Home
RATE IT! Chocolate Scrabble

RATE IT! History of Mail Order

Internet shopping with all its ease & simplicity is a joy we take for granted but its in-home shopping predecessor, the catalog, is still alive & kicking, and racking up salesl!
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
HATE IT! Australia - the Movie

RATE IT! Wallace & Gromit Return

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
HATE IT! Yahoo's Hot Hollywood Hunks

RATE IT! Wall-E Travels to Video

Monday, November 17, 2008
HATE IT! Innie, Outie...Nothing at All?

When you're a striking, blonde Victoria's Secret model, it's not unusual to leave the fashion world a buzz after your latest catwalk strut, or photo shoot frolic. But for Czech beauty, Karolina Kurkova this past weekend's Miami Victoria's Secret fashion shoot had people pointing for a whole different reason.
RATE IT! Toasted Notes

Post-it notes. Yep, they're pretty much a necessary for office life but also pretty boring! Luckily you have me to make office supplies fun! Yeah, I'm a big office supply geek -- so sue me!
RATE IT! Franz Ferdinand ~ Michael
Saturday, November 15, 2008
RATE IT! Stoke Get Spanked

It's raining, it's pouring and Stoke is in mourning!
Friday, November 14, 2008
RATE IT! Six Million Dollar Man
RATE IT! Bond-anza

RATE IT! Now You Won't Forget...

Do you often sprint out the door leaving behind your iPod, subway tokens...maybe even your keys?
Thursday, November 13, 2008
HATE IT! Leaving the Lipstick Jungle

If it wasn't bad enough that it's a dreary, wet November afternoon gloomily slipping into the dark ages of yet another winter...comes the news that the guilty pleasure that is 'Lipstick Jungle' has been cancelled by the brain trust at NBC. For shame! We need more female based television shows, not less! If only the peacock network gave shows a chance to find their audience like the plucky CW does. Not happy. Still hoping for a last minute stay from execution. NBC hasn't issued their official press release but if rumours are swirling,'s probably a done deal.
RATE IT! All-Star Marks & Sparks TV Ad
RATE IT! Paul Rudd on SNL
RATE IT! Inchworm on Sesame Street
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
RATE IT! Gossip Girl Sneak Peek - Episode 11
WANT IT! Food Mini's

I may be an adult, but toys like these food minis, send me right back to Grade 3! Teeny tiny plastic food items, ten different sets in all. You bet your Malibu Barbie, I want them all! No broccoli, no salads, just all the FUN stuff, like ice cream, fresh baked cookies & cupcakes, apple pie and donuts! They even offer s'mores and fair ground junk like cotton candy! Wahey!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
HATE IT! Owen's Season is Over

Sad afternoon. Owen Hargreaves, my favourite footie player, is officially done for the season, and will not be back in the Manchester United squad until next year.
RATE IT! Blake's New Cover

Gossip Girl's Blake Lively brightens up the latest cover of 'W' magazine. I'm so relieved that the previous issue with the Angelina Jolie cover is now GONE from the newstand. Blake's fresh, vibrant...and lives up to her surname! The photo, however, is not the most attractive shot of Blake. She's a pretty girl, but looks hard here. Hmmm, what do I know? Guess that's why I'm not a highly paid photo editor. Read more here.
RATE IT! Return to Form Thanks to Blair

Remembrance Day - November 11

With today being November 11, Remembrance Day in Canada, I'd like to take a moment to comment on the importance of the poppy, the symbol of remembrance.
No Price Too High
What does a poppy cost? Would you donate a twoonie or a quarter...or maybe even a five dollar bill?
November 11 is here. The days when you would be greeted by distinguished Veterans offering poppies in malls and in subway stations seem to be a relic of the past as many vets have passed away.
I am an Associate member of the Canadian Legion, having had several relatives involved in both world wars. In my 10 years of volunteering in the Legion's annual Poppy Campaign, I have been saddened to see donations are dwindling. Perhaps it's no longer sufficient to recognize that these brave individuals fought for our freedom. I've actually heard people scoff that they never purchase poppies...because in their minds they fund the drinking sessions of old war mongers - men who like to sit around and glorify wars & fighting. Such opinions are not only incorrect but cruel. It's surprising to think that the cost of freedom isn't enough to make folks donate. Perhaps if people knew that their money went towards, they'd be more eager to contribute:
~ assistance to needy ex-service personnel & their families
~ medical equipment for community health centres & hospitals
~ bursaries for students
~ programs for seniors such as Meals on Wheels
All of these good deeds are done with little to no press coverage or fanfare. Yes, the money does pay for an easier life for those folk who fought to keep Canada free, but also benefits all of us in the communities in which we live. Communities that would be quite different if certain sacrifices weren't made by these veterans.
What does a poppy cost? Truth be told, there is no cost associated with the Remembrance Day poppy. Ask a veteran and they'll tell you that the cost is up to the the cost of freedom cannot be measured. There is no price too high.
Monday, November 10, 2008
WANT IT! Splat Stan

Sunday, November 9, 2008
RATE IT! Kool-Aid Retro Commercial
Saturday, November 8, 2008
RATE IT! Ronaldo Magic Rubs Off?
Thanks to c9 for the tip!
Friday, November 7, 2008
RATE IT! Gossip Girl Sneak Peek - Episode 10
RATE IT! Propaganda ~ Duel
RATE IT! MyCuppa

Never fear! The days of having a tea that's too milky, or a cuppa that's too strong are OVER!
Thursday, November 6, 2008
RATE IT! SNL - Barry Gibb Talk Show
RATE IT! Chuck Bass - the Model

The enigmatic Chuck Westwick, actually, is the new eye candy in the upcoming K-Swiss campaign for their classic sneakers.
HATE IT! Barack & the Hammers

RATE IT! Cover Kates

It's a good month for magazines. First Kate Winslet graces the cover of 'Vanity Fair', and now Kate Beckinsale, the other wonderful British Kate, shows off for the December UK 'Elle.'
HATE IT! Twilight

Some people never tire of the vampire genre. It's a particularly endearing topic for teens with vampires being painted as dark, misunderstood, a bit...different. What teen hasn't felt that way too? Even when I was a teenager, I didn't care much for blood sucking deviants but for one exception: 'The Lost Boys.'
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
WANT IT! Union Jack Coffee Table

I'm in awe! I just love this Union Jack coffee table. Everything is illuminated - literally!
RATE IT! Sex and the City - the Sequel!

Once was definitely not enough, and now Kim Cattrall agrees! Speaking with Spice Girl, Mel B on the Paul O'Grady talk show in Britain yesterday, Kim confirmed that yes, there will be a 'Sex and the City' movie sequel. Kim didn't uncover any further details but her declaration is fantastic news for SATC fans.
HATE IT! U2 Tower

WANT IT! Cadbury Winfall

Sure, Hallowe'en just wrapped up, and Christmas is a mere 7 weeks or so in the distance but is there *any* chance that the holidays could arrive several weeks early? They'd have to if we have any hopes of devouring this bounty of chocolate joy from Cadbury's! MASSIVE!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
HATE IT! Gossip Gulp!

RATE IT! Bank on Box Office Bond

RATE IT! Fair Ground Blizzard

Monday, November 3, 2008
RATE IT! Invasion of the Lego Men

Residents of Brighton in the UK were dumbfounded when this huge Lego Man washed ashore last week.
RATE IT! 10th Annual Chocolate Show