Oh joy! The website that collects real deal passive aggressive notes has now released the best of its collection into a book!
Passive Aggressive Notes is the ideal giftie for the friend who doesn't take a slight lightly and just has to shoot back their two cents ~ using the written word. Snide, often rude and definitely humorous, these notes will put a smile on your face, and an idea or two in your head should someone cross you. I somewhat feel a kinship with this movement -- having had my home-packed lunch stolen from the workplace fridge -- I mean, WHO does that? Unfortunately as these notes prove, many people do! At least I feel like I had my say, posting a snotty retort on the fridge door (I'm still fuming about the lunch theft and it was easily 8 years ago!). Yep...this book was made for me. *sigh*
A few years ago, I sent an email asking who stole my DAMN eggroll from the fridge at work. That email led to a confession from a new hire that he had accidentally used someone else's Wishbone Ranch Dressing at lunch the day before which led to the managing partner demanding his head on a platter. She was joking, I was not. I was PISSED about that eggroll! So I probably need this book.
I have to say that I'm also guilty of leaving notes in bathroom stalls at work. Hygiene (or lack thereof) in shared spaces is a big annoyance of mine. Several of us would leave notes pinned in the offending stall. They did work! Either that, or the person polluting would do their business on another floor. Result!
You're reminding me of the episode of Friends where someone steal's Ross' sandwich - that's may fave episode.
This book looks awesome, I love stuff like this.
Another interesting and random book is called "Index", check it out at thisisindexed.com. I've been following her blog for awhile. The entries are so random and interesting.
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