Is it over? Has the irrational and highly irritating Izzy on 'Grey's Anatomy' finally kicked ghostly stalker, Denny to the curb? Oh, please say it's so! It's taken me all the strength that I can muster to keep -- on -- watching this show. I've intentionally PVR'd the last three eps, and watched them back in fast forward to avoid the slow growing real-time viewing realization that this show is crap. At least if I watch it quickly, I don't feel like I've lost a precious hour of my time -- an hour that could have been put to better use watching pretty much anything else (spare '90210' and 'Desperate Housewives', both of which give me hives).
'Grey's in my estimation jumped the shark last season ..or whenever the pale, uninteresting Meredith died (briefly). The show flat-lined at that very moment and hasn't been resuscitated properly since. I hate myself for even watching in FF. I hate this series. 'Like' left long long ago. There is no grey area. I hate it.
In a serious study one Thursday evening, my mother and I came to the conclusion that there are NO ugly men on the show. Every man on the show has something attractive about him (some more than others). This alone is reason enough to keep watching. Storyline be damned! Mute it if you have to but watch the men of Grey's.
I agree, but the eye candy is just not enough!
At least Denny has finally disappeared - I LOATHED that ghost thing. But I still can't stop watching...
I really hope that I can stop. Hating something but sticking with it? How lame is that?
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