Every year, the Grammy's disappoint. The same sort of artists always win. Robert Plant? Gimme a break! And what about the performances ...Jonas Brothers? Ew. And the rap thing with M.I.A., Jay-Z and the lot.... crap. At least it was mildly entertaining watching to see if M.I.A.'s sprog made a splash on stage (it didn't) while she bounced around on her due date. Seriously, she was due to pop on Grammy day! I think they should've given her an award for dedication if for nothing else.
Is it me, or has Sir Paul had a face lift or five?
At least Adele and Duffy won awards - BUT in a pre-televised portion of the awards. Ditto Coldplay and Radiohead. For shame! Can't spare some time for the best acts on the planet during the live show? Nah, but let's see John "media whore" Mayer again. Crappy McCrap.
All I have left to add... bring on the Brits! They know how to do an award show with *real* drama, drunk musicians and fantastic performances. Watch for it, February 18.
(Duffy photo: Chris Pizello for AP Press)
Did anyone dress up for this thing...only a couple looked good on the red carpet!
Failed ramp jump gif
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Voted for ya too
Thanks, muchly!
I can't believe she did that on her due date!
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