And these costumes don't help matters!
Ladies & gentlemen, welcome to 'The Age of Innocence' -- sure, feel free to snicker! Innocence just doesn't wash with this group of UESers! While the cast are all trussed up for their schools' production of the Edith Wharton classic, the GG writers decided to give tonight's return episode the more fitting title, 'The Age of Dissonance.' Yep, that's much better, thanks.
Plenty of hi-jinx are on the cards for our favourite spoiled brats. Shame ~ Chuck appears to get short shift in this episode with a weak & quickly put-to-bed story line; we wait ALL this time and the man of the GG hour is shuttled out of our view? The alternative -- Man-bangs Nate is front and centre in many of the leaked photo stills so I think we'll be meeting his long-lost Vanderbilt relations sooner rather than later. Too bad this trotted in stash of blue bloods won't include *real* Vanderbilt scion, Anderson Cooper! Now *that* would really make GG an over-the-top viewing experience! (photo: the CW)
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