I'm a big fan of 'Marie Claire' magazine and unlike the gifted subscription of 'Harper's Bazaar', I actually look forward to receiving my 'MC'. It's modern and entertaining to read, the clothes are quite attainable and quite often their editorials are quite informative and cover a wide range of topics. 'Marie Claire' began hyping their new TV show within their pages several months ago so I've been anxiously awaiting its arrival.
One episode in, I'm hooked! As a magazine obsessive, it's a treat to see the inside workings of one that I actually enjoy. Many of the staff are your typical fashion-world stereotypes but if they weren't, I'd be disappointed. The three interns who get the plumb entry-level positions as the minions to the already established 'MC' crew, are annoying, somewhat flakey yet fun to watch. There's one girl who I'm guessing is spoiled back at home. She seems hell-bent on being a sneaky bitch on wheels -- and result... *she is*! Gifted with last-minute passes to the Rock and Republic show during NYC's exclusive Fashion Week, she takes an old friend who just happens to be in the city instead of her roomie & fellow intern! She so obviously failed the "make nice" test, it's fabulous! It's mean and snarky... one of the interns owns a rat-like dog called Chanel... it's everything you would expect it to be ... just like 'The Devil Wears Prada' but with three silly fawning interns instead of Anne Hathaway.
It's not going to change the world and it's pure fluff, but it's great eye-candy fashionista fluff. And snooty "Project Runway" judge and former 'Elle' magazine queen bee, Nina Garcia is now on staff as 'Marie Claire's Fashion Director to add to the on-the-edge of a cat-fight sense of bitchiness. With only one episode under my belt, it's too early to tell if any of the interns will be a chanelling the sweet & savvy Betty Suarez of fictional fave, 'Ugly Betty', but you never know!
Love it. 'Running in Wheels' airs in Canada on E! Wednesday nights at 10pm, or if you're in the US, check out the Style Network 8pm Sunday. Check your local listings for more info.
1 comment:
I love Running in Heels, LTG! I think 4 episodes have aired so far here. It gets really good. Two of the interns are just totally hateful. I won't say which two. I watched Stylista too - not sure if you got that one. It was on the CW network last fall. It was a competition show for a junior editor position at Elle. And the winner actually just started blogging on the Elle site about his/her new job (don't want to give anything away if you ever plan on watching!).
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