Maybe I just need to spice it up with more colourful vocab. Curses are flying over on Twitter much to the entertained eye of cursebird.com. This site tracks swear words and organizes its findings into the most popular curses (48% of users prefer the classic usage of fuck, while shit follows at 38% -- but since when was twat a curse?), plus it keeps dibs on the Twitter users themselves. At cursebird, you can dial in the name of a Twit -- is that cool if I call users, twits? -- and see how saintly or foul mouthed they are.
And if you have run out of new curses & want to set cursebird.com on fire, check out one of my favourite new books, 'Creative Cursing' here. Have fun!
Oh this is not good. I'm a drunk Tweeter. I'm in trouble.
I swear like a Scottish Comedian apparently. Thinking this is not a good thing.
I am pretty addicted to Twitter, if I had it on my phone then I think I'd be worse, but they havn't done it for my network yet in the UK.
LoveLamps is a very funny Twitter!! :)
I think I might be in the minority here, but personally, I can't stand Twitter and how all of these celebrities are addicted to it. Seriously? Does anyone apart from the Tweeter *really* care when the Tweeter has just brushed his or her teeth? The world does not need to have minute-by-minute updates on the banality of a stranger's or even a friend's daily activities. This is how stalkers are born...
~ Emily (Giggsy's Gal) xo
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