It's been a tough year for this United fan - no Owen Hargreaves. Troubling injuries that never went away until surgery in the US rescued his career. Now, he's in the midst of training for *next* season with Manchester United. In the meantime, any glimpse of Owen that was uncovered was a big deal. Can you blame me?
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Friday, May 29, 2009
RATE IT! To Look at You
The first time I ever saw INXS live was during the summer of 1984 -- an opening slot for The Go-Go's began a life-long love of the band that flourished until the passing of lead singer, Michael Hutchence (I refuse to classify the current line-up with that reality show goof as INXS -- sorry).
This video was shot around 1983 by the looks of the band, and features one of their best tracks "To Look at You" from one of my desert island discs, "Shabooh Shoobah". Before they got too famous, before they dated supermodels... here's what INXS was all about. Enjoy.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
HATE IT! Where's Waldo Tee

Where's Waldo? Apparently he's on this Hollywood themed t-shirt. Tucked in with various seedy characters (a mummy, cowboy, etc), the red-chapeau'd one is lurking, waiting patiently to be discovered.
If it wasn't bad enough that this shirt is rather unfortunate looking, all crowded ugly artwork ...but the worst part is that it will invite pervy types to stare at your chest for an uncomfortable amount of time. Who wants some jerk pouring over your boobs, looking for Waldo? Ugh... the perfect tee for women who want creepy attention, and the men who slobberingly like to dish it out. Ew.
Just Plain Silly
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
RATE IT! More Scenes Like This One, Please

The Champions League final - today in Rome. Manchester United (bless!) v. Barcelona. The best in Europe going head-to-head.
Hoping, wishing, turning inside out in anticipation.... for more scenes like this one. Over to you, Ronaldo & Rooney!
(photo: google)
Manchester United,
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
RATE IT! Inedible Jewelry - Make Your Own

The genius team behind the Inedible Jewelry line want to share their charming secrets!
Yep, the oh-so cute accessories created by Jessica & Susan Partain featuring all foods under the sun will soon be exposed in a how-to book. This Autumn we'll all be able to try our hand at creating our own jewelry menu.
'The Polymer Clay Cookbook' will be released in October but pre-orders are available now from
Finally, a fun & fat-free reason to hang out in the kitchen!
Monday, May 25, 2009
RATE IT! Lipstick Jungle Season 2 DVDs

Now all we have left are the DVDs... the season 2 set came out at the beginning of this month. Well worth a peek, season 2 is much MUCH stronger, more fun and cheeky than season 1. And yes, Andrew McCarthy has aged *really* well!
Friday, May 22, 2009
RATE IT! So Long ~~ Sissy
Here's a Friday treat! Wicked animation courtesty of this hypnotic video by Sissy. Canadian band, 100% fabulous. Enjoy!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
RATE IT! UPDATE -- One Week DVD Release

Hurrah! The Canadian DVD release date for the gorgeous 'One Week' starring Joshua Jackson has been moved up from end of June to June 16.
Great news!! I strongly recommend that you either rent or buy this Canadian celluloid gem.
RATE IT! Gossip Girl Finale

SPOILER ALERT for overseas readers.....
it happened! Finally!! Fans who watched will know! I don't have to spell it out. So long we have waited, *so* worthwhile. And I'm not talking about Rufus and Lily! Or the appearance of their love child (how typical!).
(photo: the CW)
Gossip Girl,
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I've been nervously awaiting ABC's announcement to see what was on their kill list. 'Ugly Betty' had been rumoured to be out of favour with ABC execs. Its recent removal from the Thursday night line-up, replacing it with the far lesser 'In the Motherhood' & 'Samantha Who' made this TV viewer livid, and it seems that I wasn't alone. Ratings for the replacement shows weren't good forcing ABC to eat crow & return 'Betty' back to her regular time slot earlier than originally planned. You can't keep a great show down -- and 'Ugly Betty' is by far one of the sassiest, sweetest shows on TV anywhere!
So it was a very HAPPY DAY to see that ABC in their wisdom has unveiled at their upfront that they've decided to renew 'Ugly Betty' for next Fall. GREAT news!'s a head-scratcher to see they've *moved* the series from Thursdays at 8 to the TV wasteland of Fridays at 9pm. Are they trying to lose the audience that 'Betty' has faithfully collected over the past three seasons? Some people just don't realize when they have a good thing!
At least 'Betty' will be back and the annoying and bland 'Samantha Who' won't be. Hopefully Christina Applegate can find another TV project that is more entertaining. She deserves as much.
RATE IT! Your Own Easter Island

Now I'm all grown up but I still have a not-so-secret interest in such oddities. Instead of "In Search Of", I prefer "Is It Real?" on National Geographic Channel. And I love this mini Easter Island of my own making. It's rocking its way up to the top of my 'to buy' list.
The set comes with four stone heads plus a reference booklet, so you can align yourself with ancient society & set up your own mysterious land on your desk, counter top - wherever you damn well please! Me likey!
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
RATE IT! More Donut Action - Thanks, Excel (Extra)
This Extra ad is over a year old but it's completely new to me. Starring the famous donut and coffee cup, along with a banana, pizza slice and other tasty yet breath-crushing treats, this gum ad is *almost* as good as this one.
Almost... but not quite.
Monday, May 18, 2009
RATE IT! Final Gossip Girl TONIGHT

Tonight the season closer is upon us --- I hope the CW makes it count! The summer is a long time to wait after a mediocre season finale. Frustratingly, I couldn't track down any pix of Chuck from tonight's ep. Fingers crossed, the lack of bad boy Bass promo shots isn't a foreboding sign of (boring) things to come this evening...
(photo: the CW)
Gossip Girl,
HATE IT! Father's Day Trophy

It's a good thing that Father's Day is still over a month away. Still have plenty of time to track down a much better present than this creepy trophy.
The father, king for the day, on this #1 Dad award looks eerily like a golden mini version of the Burger King. Don't wish such horrors on your Dad.
(disturbing Burger King: google image)
Just Plain Silly,
Saturday, May 16, 2009
RATE IT! Manchester United Wins --Again (part 18)

HURRAH! Manchester United win the EPL for the *third* time straight! Champions of England once again! It doesn't matter how many times they win the league, it still feels fresh & like the first time. United have now won as many league championships as rivals Liverpool.
Nothing much will get accomplished today as a result! Should make today a public holiday -- at least for Red Devil supporters, it already is!
(photos: AP, Reuters)
Manchester United,
Friday, May 15, 2009
RATE IT! National Chocolate Chip Day

For May 15 in North America (see, something for my American friends too!) it's National Chocolate Chip Day! Any day that celebrates the joy the chocolate *anything* brings, is good enough for me!
Now, before we get too far ahead of ourselves, apparently this Choco Chip Day is also feted by some folk on August 4. TWO special days for the humble chocolate chip - gee, I never knew that this little droplet of cocoa happiness was so powerful.
Indulge! Perhaps a Dairy Queen Chocolate Xtreme Blizzard is in order... not sure if there are chocolate chips in there -- do chocolate pieces count? -- but we can pretend *just because*.
Just Plain Silly,
Yum That Was Good
RATE IT! Icing on the Cake
Hard to believe that Stephen "Tin Tin" Duffy was the *original* lead singer of the pre-record deal Duran Duran. He may not be Simon Le Bon, but Stephen was an 80s star in his own right. Here's the sweet and instantly stuck on the brain 'Icing on the Cake'. Enjoy the lovely retro images! Gorgeous!
Duran Duran,
Thursday, May 14, 2009
RATE IT! Gossip Girl Sneak Peek ~ The Goodbye Gossip Girl
Monday's final 'Gossip Girl' episode better be a doozy to keep us on the hook & gagging for more 'til September!
Blair's cradling Chuck's face in her mitts! That's a good start...
Gossip Girl,
RATE IT! New Twist to "On the Rocks"

The marketplace is chock a block full of novelty ice cube makers but only *this* set truly ROCKS.
Mini guitar stir sticks sit amidst this ice tray creating 'electric ice' guitars for your cocktail pleasure. Next time company comes calling, you can truly offer refreshments 'on the rocks'!
From Silo Collection.
Just Plain Silly,
HATE IT! Gummy Bacon

Gummy Bacon candy, anyone?
Tastes like strawberry apparently... not uncooked pork as it appears. Anyone? Anyone?
Honestly, I can't say that I blame you. It looks disgusting, and is so wrong on so many levels.
Just Plain Silly
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
HATE IT! Cosmopolitan magazine

The last time I bought the US version of this girlie bible (when Leighton's co-star, Blake Lively got the cover treatment), I was surprised to see how thin Cosmo was on content. Not that it was ever loaded with cerebral offerings, but their editors did delve into some weighty issues from time to time along with the breathless essays on cocktails, backstabbing girlfriends & kooky sex positions. Seems such pitches to gals with active braincells have withered. Heck, the issue I wasted my money on months back even had a full page pin-up of some 'hot' actor (their hot barometer, not mine) tucked inside. WTF? 'Cosmo' is now an older, smuttier version of 'Tiger Beat'? Oh, how Helen Gurley Brown's ode to successful young females has fallen. Shame.
Still, the least I can do is offer full props for Leighton's cover girl appearance -- shame it's the best thing about this zine. Best to save your bucks and opt for 'Marie Claire' instead.
Gossip Girl,
RATE IT! Ben & Jerry's Chubby Hubby

Chubby Hubby!! Ben & Jerry's have hit ice cream gold with this ice cream invention. I haven't tasted this flavour *yet* but it's not just the title that's intriguing. Check out the ingredients: chocolate covered, peanut butter filled pretzels embedded in a creamy vanilla base surrounded by ribbons of fudge and peanut butter. Temped, yet?
Chubby Hubby..... Chubby everyone! I feel like I've gained 10 pounds just reading off that list!
Chubby Hubby has been around for eons apparently, but it's completely new to me. I've never ever seen it before in shops around my 'hood. Maybe that's a good thing...
Yum That Was Good
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
HATE IT! Gossip's Retro Bore

Did you watch?
You know that I did -- watching 'Gossip Girl' on a Monday eve is as vital to my sanity as chocolate. Needless to say, when my favourite program gets waylaid within its own ego and spits out a slow, brain-dead disaster of an ep like it did last night... it pains me. Thank goodness I had some Dare fudge cookies on emergency stand-by!
It. Was. Awful!
What a waste! The much hyped 80s flashback episode featuring a young Lily...pre-Van Der Woodsen...pre-Rufus...pre-anything interesting --- adrift in California pinning for her Andrew McCarthy of a Dad... ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzz! I kept waiting for it to improve but no such luck. The 80s were colourful, fun and full of zest but Lily's time-travel trip was anything but! You know the situation is dire when the show jolts back into the present UES timeline & a glimpse of Serena's brother Eric makes you excited (or relieved?).
Not all was lost. At least we had the pleasure of some vintage Chuck -- orchestrating the Prom, still lusting after Blair in an oh-so understated fashion. Best part of the episode & it lasted all of 20 seconds, if that. With next week's episode the season finale, we really could have used a full-fledged modern day follow up on Poppy & Georgina - but no. Instead this 80s wannabee plagued our screens. Yuck. Now it's become clear why rumors are flying regarding the spin-off's early death!
Don't get me wrong. I *love* the 80s! Lived it, LOVED it. But this attempt was half-assed. No Doubt covering Adam Ant? Horrendous! And casting the cute Brittany Snow as the younger Lily -- she has BLUE EYES! Kelly Rutherford -- present day Lily -- has BROWN! If the creators could be so careless with such a noteworthy detail, it kinda sums up the whole shebang, don't you think?
All in all, an important lesson to the GG brass --- don't mess with a good thing! Stay focused on your first GG meal ticket -- or else!
(80s photo mess - I mean Lily & sis Carole: the CW)
Gossip Girl,
RATE IT! Inedible Jewelry

Good enough to *almost* eat, these charms & earrings encompass ALL food groups, healthy and decadent. Bagels, donuts, croissants, cheese, apples, hamburgers, cake ~~ they're all represented here. You can even have your own food fave made a la carte! Place your order & satisfy your appetite for unique accessories. Guaranteed you'll be hungry for more!
Make a meal of it!
RATE IT! Sugary Cute Overdose
Who knew that bad breath could be so cute?
I'd forego the Excel gum if it meant that I had these adorable treats following me around. Best part: the coffee cup getting stuck in the cheesy pizza.
Now if only someone would market these food critters as toys, please...pretty please?
Monday, May 11, 2009
RATE IT! Holly Golightly Sleep Mask

I *love* Audrey Hepburn and 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' -- it's one of my favourite all-time celluloid gems!
Keeping in the spirit of the movie's gal about town, Holly Golightly, get a glimpse of this retro-tastic sleep mask. Identical to the version that "Holly" employs to help send her off into sleep, you'll be counting sheep (or images of George Peppard) in no time!
Friday, May 8, 2009
HATE IT! Gossip Girl Sneak Peek ~ Valley Girls
It's been a long-time coming and this Monday, it's finally here. The Lily flashback episode a.k.a. the pilot for the 'Gossip Girl' spin-off ~ totally '80s (and not in a good way) = totally annoying!
Just when we're all in a whirl with Chuck & co., we're forced to take a break & travel through time down the garden path with a teen Lily. Talk about taking the wind out of our sails. Bring back the current GG crew!
Seems that I'm not the only one thinking that a GG spin-off is a little off. Apparently, the spin-off has kicked the bucket even before the episode was broadcast. Should we even dare to watch? Is it *that* bad?
Gossip Girl,
RATE IT! Anna Sui, Gossip Girl

Case in point... Anna Sui. Yes, that Anna Sui -- the extremely fashion forward designer known for her uniqueness & ultra-hip designs has signed on the dotted line to produce a Designer Collaboration collection for Target. Her inspiration? Serena, Blair, Vanessa, and Jenny -- Gossip Girl's elite (sorry, Hazel & Penelope -- you just don't rate!).
Sui's TV-inspired clothing will be available in the US as of September 13. Trip to NYC, anyone? I'm in!
(photo: google image)
Gossip Girl,
RATE IT! Lily Allen ~ The Fear
Yay! New Lily! I *love* this song. Perfect to kick off the weekend with a little 'tude! Enjoy!
Thursday, May 7, 2009
RATE IT! One Week ~ Coming to DVD

I'm practically doing somersaults over the news that 'One Week', the BEST movie of the year in my humble opinion, will be released in Canada on DVD on June 30.
Pre-orders are available from now. I'm *so* there.
Whether you purchase a copy, or visit your local shop at the end of June to rent the DVD, I hope that you'll love this fantastic Canadian gem.
RATE IT! Little J Rocks Out
Gossip Girl's Little J aka Taylor Momsen debuted her punky band, Pretty Reckless, in NYC the other night.
She's actually pretty good! Sure, she's stolen more than a few pages out of Debbie Harry & Courtney Love's musical books but in a genre where it's all been done before, she's giving it a fair go. Perhaps she could teach her on-screen TV Daddy a thing or two about playing rock star!
Gossip Girl,
RATE IT! More NHL for Canada!

The NHL's troll of a Commissioner, Gary Bettman. Small man, small mind. Wee Gary hates the idea of teams fleeing from the US. Mr. Bettman has turned down Balsillie's previous attempts to swoop in & rescue troubled American-based NHL teams, bringing them back to life on Canadian soil.
It's time for Gary to wake up! The NHL is not popular in most of the States. It ranks far behind the NBA, NFL, baseball, car racing... even college sports. Forcing teams into territories that have never ever seen a hockey puck is not going to make the sport grow down south. Some locales were just not made for hockey -- and for Phoenix, regardless of the involvement of Wayne Gretzky -- the BEST PLAYER EVER -- there's no hope in hell of reversing the bleed of cash and fans.
Today there are court-based hearings regarding the troubled Coyotes. Word is rife that Gretzky may step in & help Balsillie's cause. Wayne may work in the US but he's still all Canadian. Let's hope that he helps bring the club up to Ontario where it will be successful & wanted.
(Gretzky photo: google images)
Soapbox Rant,
HATE IT! When Good Candy Goes Bad

Ew. It's never a good sign when your chocolate faves sorta come to life.
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups ~ truly one of the BEST chocolate inventions *ever* concocted.
This stuffed version of said treat ~ truly EVIL.
I'll never look at a Peanut Butter Cup the same. Shame.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
RATE IT/HATE IT! For Mother's Day?

Looking around the web, I came across this delightful recipe collection, housed in a mini stove. It's really cute but it's being marketed at the mo' as a giftie for Mother's Day. I'm sure many women would love this cookery set, but why give your Mum something that pushes her back into the kitchen? Isn't Mother's Day supposed to be a day to *celebrate* your Mum? To get Mum to remove that apron and be treated herself? Mums spend far too much time looking after the needs of *everyone* else... don't give them yet another present that doesn't soothe Mum's soul. Time to treat them.... properly - and that means.... no gifts that hint at *them* treating *you* yet again! Cook books = Mum's home cooking = pampering YOU, not THEMSELVES.
Sure, this set of cook books is really sweet but save it for another gift-giving occasion.
Soapbox Rant,
Yum That Was Good
RATE IT! Life-size Stitch!

Hey kid, get your mitts off MY Stitch!
I love him! 21" plush Stitch. He's adorable and is even bigger than my dog! (make that *soon* to be dog!)
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
RATE IT! Lily Allen : New Face of Chanel

Now here's a celebrity endorsement that clicks!
Lily Allen -- cheeky London gal about town with a penchant for writing & performing saucy songs about her life and loves -- is the new face of Chanel handbags.
Lil is a huge fan of Chanel's wares, so it's really fitting that she gets to promote the bags and bring a new, lively HIP image to the brand. The accessories are still way out of my price range, but it's nice to see a spokesperson for Chanel that isn't anorexic, untalented or just plain annoying.
Yay, Lily!
(photo: google image)
RATE IT! Enchanted April -- TODAY!

Yay, yay, YAY!
May 5th is *finally* here bringing with it the long-awaited, many years in the making North American DVD release of 'Enchanted April.'
I've worn out my VHS, bought a Swedish sub-titled DVD version - all just to watch this little gem of a movie. To go to such lengths...yes, it's THAT good.
Monday, May 4, 2009
RATE IT! Franz Ferdinand - No You Girls
To gear up for the Franz Ferdinand gig tonight... here's their latest single, 'No You Girls.'
Worth a look even if you aren't catching them on tour.
RATE IT! Let's Hang Zipper Pulls

Add some playful fun to the most boring of necessities... the humble zipper!
These 'Let's Hang Zipper Pulls' bring whimsey to your jacket, backpack et al. Artist Aaron Meshon created these cutesy pulls in his retro-esque style (he's also the brilliant mind behind the funky Christmas cards I was raving about last December).
Twenty-six different characters are available for your accessorizing pleasure.
Saturday, May 2, 2009
RATE IT! Gossip Girl Sneak Peek ~ The Wrath of Con
Hurrah! New 'Gossip Girl'! Monday's ep sees the UES gang enlisting Georgina Sparks to do their dirty work. Nice!
Gossip Girl,
Friday, May 1, 2009
RATE IT/HATE IT! Raspberry Truffle Blizzard

DQ obviously heard the rapturous applause from obsessed fans of last month's Midnight Truffle Blizzard, all dark chocolately happiness in every spoonful. This month they've kidnapped the chocie truffles withholding their release for another month, but have added a secondary guest star, raspberry. *sigh*
Not a good sign, not to me anyway. I don't joyously behold Blizzards that feature fruit. No, can do, sorry. I'm sure to many, the fruit might take away a smidgen of guilt from all the cocoa sinfulness but to me, the raspberry essence just ruins it.
Blizzard Joy,
Yum That Was Good
RATE IT! VP Joe Biden

Biden was speaking about the swine flu hysteria to Matt Lauer on NBC's Today Show. When asked his opinion, Joe didn't soothe America's worries. No heck, he let the fear flag fly: "I wouldn't go anywhere in confined spaces now," he announced emphatically. Off the cards for Biden, riding the subway or plane travel as well. "If you're out in the middle of a field and someone sneezes that's one thing. If you're in a closed aircraft or a closed container or a closed car or a closed classroom, it's a different thing."
Fair enough. The VP likes to speak his mind & what's wrong with a little honesty, right? But with Joe Biden, such ill-advised honest outbursts prompt the White House to whirl into damage control. Can't have Obama's second plunge the country into widespread alarm. Two hours later, the Press Secretary apologized for Biden's remarks, and Biden's own office issued a statement to correct his panic-inducing comments. What he *meant* to say... don't travel to Mexico if you don't have to. Stay home if you're ill with flu-like symptoms... wash your hands often...blah blah blah.
I find it quite entertaining watching Biden speaking a little too honestly when he shouldn't... obviously the White House doesn't feel the same. Perhaps they should also lean on the real fear mongers -- the media -- for whipping the public into a needless frenzy over this flu bug. Flu isn't new! People get the flu - often. Some people unfortunately do die but most do not, and people need to realize that simple hygiene and common sense will keep them healthy. Too many people don't wash their hands. Sounds gross, doesn't it, but it's disgustingly true. Same goes for people who don't cover their sneezes, coughs and spit in public places.
Wanna curtail the spread of flu? Ramp up hygiene... it's simple really. And while we're at it, let's hope Biden unleashes another verbal faux pas soon. Laughter is good, laughter helps heal and people who have the flu, could use a laugh. Just remember to cover up if those giggles send you into a coughing fit.
(Joe photo: google images)
Soapbox Rant
RATE IT! Blondes Have More Fun

Being blonde, I was instantly attracted to this tee. The sentiment on this t-shirt is debatable but it's cute all the same.
Hope everyone regardless of hair hue is having a fantastically fun Friday!
RATE IT! Point It

This baby has been around for a few years - gosh, I got mine at least a decade ago so it's presence today shows just how popular this little booklet is.
"Point It" is meant to be a traveler's picture dictionary, used to communicate between people without the benefit of a shared language. It has over 1,000 images of everyday items... food, clothes, medical supplies, toilets -- you name it, "Point It" has a photograph of it! The booklet is tiny, would fit easily in a pocket and let's you converse regardless of language. I've never actually used mine on a trip to foreign climes -- it's just kinda fun to have and the photographs in some cases are quite comical.
Whether you use this picture dictionary for its intended use or just have it kicking around for a giggle, it's a big 'rate it' in my books.
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