Friday, May 1, 2009

RATE IT! Point It

This baby has been around for a few years - gosh, I got mine at least a decade ago so it's presence today shows just how popular this little booklet is. 

"Point It" is meant to be a traveler's picture dictionary, used to communicate between people without the benefit of a shared language. It has over 1,000 images of everyday items... food, clothes, medical supplies, toilets -- you name it, "Point It" has a photograph of it! The booklet is tiny, would fit easily in a pocket and let's you converse regardless of language. I've never actually used mine on a trip to foreign climes -- it's just kinda fun to have and the photographs in some cases are quite comical. 

Whether you use this picture dictionary for its intended use or just have it kicking around for a giggle, it's a big 'rate it' in my books.

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