If you've ever wanted to devour the delectable 007, Daniel Craig -- well, now is your chance!
Del Monte in the UK has crafted a limited time-only icy pop of the blonde Bond for your licking pleasure. To mark the UK's national ice cream week, Del Monte brazenly held a poll to select the most yummy man alive, and women overwhelmingly chose Daniel for their oral fixation.
As a Daniel Craig fan, I applaud this oddity for its unique quality & overall weirdness, but can't see myself actually treating myself to such a popsicle. It's just a bit.... creepy! Very funny, but creepy!
Creepy, yet oddly interesting to me at the same time. Of course, you can't get those in the States. What can you really get in the States that's interesting these days? *falls asleep trying to think of something*
This was a week ago and they're not available anymore. I didn't get one because the flavours kind of put me off and the creepy-ness of the whole idea. Its not an alternative to the real thing even if it is only 100 calories. The fact that the real thing wouldn't mean gaining calories is more of an attraction. ;)
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