The first all-pet airline took flight today in New York state. Yep, you read correctly: ALL PET airline! Alysa Binder & Dan Wiesel -- the founders of Pet Airways, were fed up with pet unfriendly airlines that would cram man's best friend deep into the dark, hot underbelly of their planes. In a bold and totally unique move, Binder & Wiesel's new company removed all the typical 'human' seats to equip their Pet Airways cabins with roomy pet crates. Pets receive pre-boarding walks & bathroom breaks & human attention every 15 minutes while in flight. Gee, that's better treatment than us humans get while traveling!
With five planes in their fleet and New York, Denver, L.A., Chicago, Washington D.C. & Chicago as their ports of call, Pet Airways already has its first two months of flights all booked up.
As a pet owner, I think this idea is such a refreshing take on air travel for our nearest & dearest! It's very very cool but the one thing that rubs me the wrong way... we can't travel *with* our pets on Pet Airways. I'm all for safety for traveling pets and no doubt they'll feel less stressed going this route, but it would be even *better* if the airline was open for pets AND their owners within the cabin. Can't say that I would ship off my Schip all on her own.
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