IT'S BACK!!! Yes, this vision isn't some retro-tastic dream -- it's the REAL deal! The Snoopy Sno-Cone Machine is back in business!
I never had this beauty as a wee kid -- and as a MAJOR, and I MEAN *MAJOR* Snoopy aficionado, that was a crime that never got to right itself. Until now!
Me want... oh, yes. And my ice cube obsessed puppy agrees with me.
Awesome! I still have my old school snoopy snow machine from back in the day - except I think the shovel went missing long ago.
I hope it works better than the original. I remember it took forever to shave the ice.
Did you have the Snoopy bowling toy?
Snoopy bowling toy???? No, A., I didn't know that there was one! I have the Snoopy transistor radio, bank, floating soap dish... but no bowling toy.
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