But! BUT.... why is Carrie back in her old walk-up apartment... two years on??
Thursday, December 31, 2009
RATE IT! Sex and the City 2 Trailer
"Sometimes you just have to get away with the girls...." Enough said!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
RATE IT! Dirt Balls

Well, this bucket of fun made me laugh.
no longer a DISGUSTING thing, thanks to Dylan's Candy Bar.
Crunchy, chocolately badness -- in a trash can. Feels kinda wrong to say, "Yum!"
New York City,
Yum That Was Good
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
HATE IT! iTunes Gift Card Gaffe

But ...my uncomplicated love for my phone hit a hiccup. My purchase of my first post-Christmas iTunes app did not trigger my gift card balance to slither down one cent. Nothing. Download completed & my full balance still on parade. Figuring that the iTunes site must be suffering from some sleepy holiday glitch, I emailed the Apple gang to spell out my difficulty. Please bill my gift card balance and *not* my credit card, please & thank you. Sounds simple enough, right? Right.
Til this morning, that is... when my inbox broke the frustrating news. Apple does not allow the purchase of apps via iTunes gift cards in Canada. And that's not all...Canadians cannot buy games with gift cards either! So it's just music then? Maybe a TV show or two? Why not apps... or games? I checked the very teeny print on the back of all three of my gift cards and there was not ONE mention of this glitch...not a peep. Same goes for their iTunes site. SERIOUSLY!!!! On the page where you can redeem your gift cards, there's a neverending list of terms & conditions but NOT ONE WORD concerning usage -- or the lack thereof - of iTunes gift cards for the purchase of apps or games.
Am I the only person who thinks this practice is totally wrong? What gives? Can our friends in the States, or England buy apps and games with iTunes gift cards? Are us Canucks the only ones stuck at the till with gift cards that cannot be used for what we really want from iTunes?
Horrible business practices, Apple!! You dangle these delicious apps and games like some forbidden fruit in your TV commercials but when we want to use, heaven forbid, gift cards to snap them up, we're prohibited without explanation. And what's worse.. their "customer service" reps didn't even acknowledge my displeasure! I received emails that look like an automatic drone-worthy reply... "I am glad I could assist you today" -- Excuse me? No, you twat...you didn't assist me AT ALL. You didn't even type one iota of a sentence that even recognized that I had a complaint *at all*.
I'm sure my fury at iTunes will pass *someday* but for today, tomorrow....this month maybe, Apple is just rotten to the core. Blech.
Buyer beware!!!
Soapbox Rant
Monday, December 28, 2009
RATE IT! Lego Boom Box

Check out this Lego boom box now available from Urban Outfitters. It's compatible with your iPod or mp3 player, contains an AM/FM radio, CD player & features kick ass speakers. Tote it around old school boom box style, or keep it as a great conversation point at home.
You can even attach their Lego alarm clock too! Neat!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
RATE IT! Happy Boxing Day

Well... it seems like a good enough reason to me!
Millions of Canadians blearily trudge out in the early, frigid light of December 26 to stand in line for door-crasher Boxing Day sales. Me, I'll be tucked warmly in bed with sugar plums still dancing in my head. I've done enough pre-Christmas shopping, thanks and nothing, NOTHING will entice me to get up at 5am to venture out in the cold to buy more crap.
*Ahem*.... Boxing Day has nothing to do with fighting, boxing gloves or the like. Nor is it in regard to tossing out all the boxes from opened presents from the day before. For an explanation on what Boxing Day *really* is.... click here.
Click and Enjoy,
Friday, December 25, 2009
Thursday, December 24, 2009
RATE IT! How Could I Not...
...I'm a child of the '80s! "Do They Know It's Christmas" -- it never gets old!
Yes, I posted this video last Christmas too....
Not only is the song fab, and the stellar array of UK pop stars incredible (leave your egos at the door -- and they DID!), but it's also a timely reminder to think of people who are less fortunate as yourself. It's never too late to donate to a charity near or far.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
RATE IT! Triple Dog Dare Ya!
A Christmas classic from Warner Brothers.
Enjoy this wintery lesson from 'A Christmas Story.'
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
RATE IT! Silly Valentine
With Christmas on the cusp, it's a bit odd to be enthusing about Valentine's Day, but in this case...I'm all hyped over the February-bound movie, "Valentine's Day", not the greeting card holiday.
Stars! STARS!! All I can see is stars! This movie is chock full of Hollywood faves, both young (Taylor Swift, Taylor Lautner), in their prime (Bradley Cooper, Jennifer Garner, Jessica Alba, Ashton Kutcher, Julia Roberts), and legendary (Shirley MacLaine). I'm DIZZY from all this overwhelming star power! And Topher Grace is in there too! Yay!
'Valentine's Day' kinda has the feel of 'Love Actually' to me.... a movie with individual storylines circling a similar premise... love and what it means, actually. If 'Valentine's Day' turns out to be anything like its British doppelganger, than we are in for a treat (with none of the after-indulging guilt -- Valentine's chocolates, I'm leering at you!).
RATE IT! Zoey of the Week
Kicking back, chillin' without a care in the world.
Looks like *someone* got their Christmas shopping done & all wrapped up!
Zoey of the Week
Monday, December 21, 2009
RATE IT! The Humble Bumble

Christmas wouldn't be the same without the classic Rankin/Bass Christmas specials.
"Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer's" Abominable Snowman scared me to bits when I was a kid. Those intense eyes! The fangs! The padded feet!
Now, he's just so cuddly and fuzzy, and his comb-over would make even Donald Trump envious. Truth be told, today I'd be more frightened to encounter Sam the Snowman! Now he's a bit creepy!
RATE IT! Popcorn Old School

Simply. Adorable.
Dylan's Candy Bar... you've out done yourself once again.
This mini old-fashioned popcorn wheelie cart can be your's for just under $65 US.
Better than Jiffy Pop (do they still make that?), or the now-standard microwave popcorn any day.
New York City,
Yum That Was Good
Friday, December 18, 2009
RATE IT! Fondue You'd Like

Meet the Chocolate Fondue Fountain.
Forget sickly melted cheese goo....this chocolate trickler is just like the contraption used at office parties everywhere - only smaller! I've attended too many parties to mention where the food highlight for many (hmmmm.... don't get out much?) was the unveiling of the iconic chocolate fountain. People go mad for this thing... so for Dylan's to unleash a tinier, home appropriate version, well, I'm sure they've made many a holiday more fun...more delish!
It's kinda cheap too.... less than $80 US, so this thing is appealing for lots of reasons!
New York City,
Yum That Was Good
Thursday, December 17, 2009
RATE IT! New Year's Hamm!

Could it be that someone heard our pleas for Jon to return??? Please!? Pretty please?!
If Jon's 'Mad Men' co-star, Rich Sommer (Harry Crane) can be believed, it's all happening! During an interview with the TV Squad website, Rich spilled the beans that Jon was booked to make SNL funny all over again this coming January.
I hope he's right!
Thanks to Gabrielle for the tip!! :)
Mad Men,
Saturday Night Live,
RATE IT! Depeche Mode Cares

It's not everyday that Depeche Mode perform in the venerable music hall.
On February 17, 2010, Depeche Mode will step on the Royal Albert Hall stage for the very first time to perform a special charity concert in aid of the Teenage Cancer Trust.
100% of Depeche's profits will be donated to this wonderful charity which helps British teens fighting cancer.
Tickets go on sale TOMORROW at 9am UK time (4am ET). I couldn't think of a more worthwhile reason to get up in the middle of the night! Tickets can be purchased TOMORROW (December 18) here.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
RATE IT! LOTR Goes Blu-Ray

The best movie EVER (in my opinion....oh, and EW kinda likes it too) will finally be given the Blu-Ray treatment next Spring.
Warner Bros. has announced that the 'Lord of the Rings' trilogy will be released on the movie geeks' format of choice on April 6, 2010. While the release of the 9 disc set is fantastic news, true obsessed (yes, that's me) fans will still have to wait for the extended versions of the movie to see the light of a Blu-Ray day. The April 6 edition will feature the theatrical versions of the three films -but with 7 hours of extras, I think we'll be occupied for quite some time!
MY PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!
I Am a Geek,
RATE IT! Just in Time....

Cookies 'n' milk for Santa!!
Save Santa's waistline with these adorable milk and chocolate chip cookie pins from Shana Logic. No calories but plenty of cute fun!
Yum That Was Good
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
RATE IT! Cosmic Christmas
Canada doesn't have many animated Christmas specials that we can be proud of - but one that is a true gem, and lost from TV airwaves for some unknown reason - is 'Cosmic Christmas'.
Made in the late 70s after the success of 'Star Wars', it was a TV staple for many of us wee Canucks and then....it disappeared. Such a shame! Some lovely soul on YouTube decided to share a copy and now it's my gift to you. It's a bit beat up and missing some scenes but the essence is still there.
It's lovely and cool. Enjoy!
Monday, December 14, 2009
RATE IT! Chrimbo Pudding Trash Bags

From the brilliant minds behind the goldfish bowl garbage bags, comes this wacky
Spread some holiday cheer along your curb all the while keeping your trash all tucked away neatly until the garbage collector pulls up.
Friday, December 11, 2009
RATE IT! Boom Box Weekender

A marriage of music & a handy tote are always a winner in my eyes.... and this new Boom Box Ghetto Blaster Weekend Bag is in tune & ready to travel.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
RATE IT! Beatles Trivial Pursuit

With all the special themed Monopoly & Trivial Pursuit games, it's kinda strange when you realize that there hasn't been a Beatles themed board game 'til now!
This limited edition Beatles Trivial Pursuit has over 2,500 questions spanning from the group's early days through to their solo projects - it's a magical mystery tour of musical fun!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
HATE IT! Eggnog Gumballs

Blech! Excuse my lack of manners here, but shouldn't this product be called 'Eggnog Barfballs'?
Makes me wanna hurl just looking at them.
I'm all for holiday season mash ups but this one is just plain nauseating.
Just Plain Silly
HATE IT! Owl Watch Necklace

Who, indeed -- would want this clunky monstrosity of an owl watch...heavily hanging off one's neck?
Be wise, and skip this bird brained tat.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
RATE IT! Zoey of the Week
Zoey gets into the Christmas spirit with her first visit to Santa!
She's been a good puppy this year, Santa..... honest! Okay, I *may* be stretching the truth a tiny bit but....look at her... she's adorable! A little mischief never hurt anyone!
I'm a very proud puppy mum!
Zoey of the Week
Monday, December 7, 2009
RATE IT! UFO Sheep Sweater

Normally, I'm not a fan of comedic sweaters, but this Toddland piece created for the man in your life screams "geek chic"!
It's not so baaaaaa-d.
Friday, December 4, 2009
RATE IT! Beach Ball Lampshade

This strangely cool beach ball lampshade would be the perfect gift for:
A: The sun, surf & sand lover who is perpetually saving coin for their next beachy getaway,
B: The Liverpool FC fan you wish to kid,
C: The crazy relation with a nautical themed family room,
D: All of the above
Yeah, this quiz was a no-brainer and *way* too easy. Answer is D: all of the above -- but personally, I'd especially like to gift this lampshade to B: the Liverpool FC fan you wish to kid...unfortunately, I don't think they'll see the humour in it! Whoopsie!
Just Plain Silly,
Why Not?
RATE IT! Street View Coronation St.

I am a Corrie addict and was fortunate to visit the set three times during trips to the UK in the '90s. Now, I think the street is closed to tourists which is a bloody shame!
At least Google Street View can let now let you spin around and visit the Kabin, Roy's Rolls... or the Rovers! Just make sure that you steer clear of evil Tony.
Click and Enjoy,
Thursday, December 3, 2009
RATE IT! Quarter "Spies"

The Americans thought that the poppy quarter issued by the Canadian Mint with its special coating to prevent the red from rubbing off, was actually a radio frequency transmitter.
I kid you not.
The Toronto Star reports on an investigation by AP brass that focuses on a series of emails that circulated a few years back between Pentagon officials in Washington, DC. They seriously believed our commemorative poppy quarter was the latest thing on the spy scene.
Blame Canada - yet again - d'oh! Perhaps the Americans should pay attention to their real enemies instead?
Just Plain Silly
RATE IT! Little People

Check out Little People -- A Tiny Street Art Project. The creator, Slinkachu, takes teeny handpainted "people" and drops them into situations on the streets of London as his blog states "to fend for themselves." Installation art with humour!
Wee boaters navigate puddles, women hang laundry across alleyways and super heroes take a respite -- on the lip of a discarded beer can. The little figures are nifty in themselves but where this project really shows its stuff, is in each series of photographs which depict the people up-close and far-away... uncovering the reality of where the little ones are actually located (downspout, bottle cap, trash).
Mr. Superhero (pictured here) is tempted by the "delights" in the red light district -- or is he? Pan out and he's actually at the footprint of a drainpipe in Southwark, London. Fun!
Art for the people - *with* the people!
Click and Enjoy,
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
RATE IT! Christmas on the DQ

Here comes the Candy Cane Chill DQ Blizzard!
Yummy chocolate chunks mix with frosty peppermint candy cane swirly bits -- all within the creamy vanilla soft serve that we know & love.
Forget leaving Santa cookies & milk -- the Candy Cane Chill Blizzard is tops of the jolly fella's list!
Blizzard Joy,
Yum That Was Good
RATE IT! Christmas Story Bandages

Bandages paying tribute to the modern seasonal classic, 'A Christmas Story.' With three chuckle-some designs to choose from -- Red Ryder BB gun, pink bunny suit & everyone's fave leg lamp -- there's Christmas cheer for all your bumps and bruises.
Ralphie approved!
Disclaimer: these bandages are REALLY fab but they won't be of much help for injuries as a result of affixing your tongue to freezing cold metal lamp posts.
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