Earth Day was so last week ... but you can still hop on the conservation bandwagon with this cutie patootie change purse from BlueQ.
95% of its 'essence' comes from recycled post consumer material (, not!), but it's got that sweet little hamster fella in all his crinkly that's all good enough for me regardless of what that recycled mumbo jumbo means!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
RATE IT! Vervegirl

Vervegirl does a great job and I'm just chuffed to be part of their world. My first Vervegirl piece is now live on their site. I can now say that I'm an expert on sassy Nina Dobrev from 'The Vampire Diaries'. Enjoy!
RATE IT! Strike While the Iron's Hot

Check out this week's new Entertainment Weekly cover featuring Robert Downey Jr.'s return to the silver screen as Tony Stark in "Iron Man 2".
Added into the mix this time around: Scarlett Johansson (yep, the catsuit rumours are indeed, true) and Mickey Rourke to play alongside Gwyneth Paltrow when the movie opens May 7.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
RATE IT! Snoopy Gets a New Owner

E.W. Scripps Co., the company that owns the licencing rights to Charles Schulz's "Peanuts" characters, has sold the brand to Iconix Brand Group, the people behind the Joe Boxer line of mens products.
Oh, please... don't be printing Charlie, Snoopy and Linus on a line of men's boxer shorts -- please?!
The deal received the blessing of Charles Schulz's family as they will now get a percentage of the ownership of any licencing agreements. Previously his estate received a revenue share but this new arrangement brings the Schulz family back into the licencing fold -- where they should be.
RATE IT! Taking the Cake

Hey, did someone say "special"? Here's a happy bride & groom cake topper that stylishly fits that description in all its retro fun finery! An accordion-esque gown takes the cake with this pair! Very cute and tons of fun -- and perfect for any cake and especially those trendy wedding cupcakes that still seem to be everywhere. Not that I'm complaining...
Available for your purchasing pleasure now from Fred Flare.
Yum That Was Good
HATE IT! Hudson Bay Rip-Off

BUT what it really is, REALLY is a rip-off of the traditional Hudson Bay Company Point Blanket. THE iconic blanket - the 230 year old historical blanket used by Canadian traders for centuries, and a design that is still sold today by the Hudson Bay Company, otherwise known as HBC on Canuck home turf.
Don't give me this classic American park blanket nonsense -- they copied the world famous Canadian HBC Point blankie, plain and simple!
Time to send an all-points bulletin to the copyright infringement police!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
RATE IT! The Book of Awesome
As a blogger and writer, my heart launches into a happy dance when I hear about talented people like Neil Pasricha. You may not know Neil by name but chances are you may have already discovered his wonderfully entertaining blog, 1000 Awesome Things. It would be the easy way out to just quote Neil's work and exclaim that his site is well... AWESOME but it's much, much more than that.
1000 Awesome Things is chock full of those happy little memories that put a smile on your face. It could be a snow day, laughing so hard you make no sounds whatsoever, leftover cake in the office kitchen... all the little moments and experiences that make life sweeter.

Neil's been busy posting a new awesome thing on his website every day for the past few years now and along the way, his journey through all the delectable gems in life has garnered a ton of attention -- all of which brought about a book deal for Neil. This past week his excellent first publication landed in bookstores and Amazon: The Book of Awesome.
And it is!
Seriously....if you only purchase one book this year, The Book of Awesome is the one to get. Neil's worked so hard on it, and it's just the best to see a nice guy (and a local one at that!) get the attention and kudos that he so richly deserves! High ten, Neil!
The Book of Awesome can be purchased at a variety of places -- just click here and find the blue-hued links to the book seller of your choice. As for me, I've already purchased a copy as a birthday gift for a special friend -- and that's awesome!
1000 Awesome Things is chock full of those happy little memories that put a smile on your face. It could be a snow day, laughing so hard you make no sounds whatsoever, leftover cake in the office kitchen... all the little moments and experiences that make life sweeter.

Neil's been busy posting a new awesome thing on his website every day for the past few years now and along the way, his journey through all the delectable gems in life has garnered a ton of attention -- all of which brought about a book deal for Neil. This past week his excellent first publication landed in bookstores and Amazon: The Book of Awesome.
And it is!
Seriously....if you only purchase one book this year, The Book of Awesome is the one to get. Neil's worked so hard on it, and it's just the best to see a nice guy (and a local one at that!) get the attention and kudos that he so richly deserves! High ten, Neil!
The Book of Awesome can be purchased at a variety of places -- just click here and find the blue-hued links to the book seller of your choice. As for me, I've already purchased a copy as a birthday gift for a special friend -- and that's awesome!
RATE IT! Happy Birthday

File under shameless self-promotion...
Lose That Girl is two years old today!
Not any wiser, or richer but definitely sillier.
Please partake in any rich chocolately treat that you see fit to help mark this milestone.
I Am a Geek,
Monday, April 26, 2010
RATE IT! One I Made Earlier...
Or, actually....
...make that TWO I made earlier! Two quizzes just in time for the mad dash into wedding season!
One of my favourite web destinations, would like to introduce its new wedding themed microsite. It's pretty and fun, and chock full of fabulous REAL wedding advice. You can download planning documents, a schedule of to-do's, and have a laugh along the way - it's all there!
And *ahem*, I have two new quizzes up for your entertainment pleasure. Check to see if you're a Rich Bride, Poor Bride, or a dreaded Bridezilla.
...make that TWO I made earlier! Two quizzes just in time for the mad dash into wedding season!
One of my favourite web destinations, would like to introduce its new wedding themed microsite. It's pretty and fun, and chock full of fabulous REAL wedding advice. You can download planning documents, a schedule of to-do's, and have a laugh along the way - it's all there!
And *ahem*, I have two new quizzes up for your entertainment pleasure. Check to see if you're a Rich Bride, Poor Bride, or a dreaded Bridezilla.
Click and Enjoy,
Why Not?,
Write Stuff
Friday, April 23, 2010
RATE IT! Fang Matryoshkas

Russian stacking dolls = just a cute, *simple* label for matryoshkas. Ah! See, read Lose That Girl daily and you might actually learn something! It might not be something useful, but at least it's something!
Anyhoo, this snarly sextet -- Fang Matryoshkas -- all jagged teeth & eerie pallor, are actually quite fetching, charming even. Send your Russian peasant stackers packing & nab your fang gang at Perpetual Kid.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
RATE IT! Excel - The Trip
Hurrah! Back by popular demand in a brand *new* ad... the Excel gum donut with his pals, onion, coffee and new stinky bud, garlic.
Is it just me, or is donut packing some winter weight?
Bad breath was never so much fun. Enjoy!
Yum That Was Good
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
RATE IT! Don Returns!

'Mad Men', the season 4 edition, will be getting its retro groove on in time for July 25 on AMC in North America.
I'm so thankful that the TV gods waited to schedule Don Draper's dramatic return until *after* the World Cup wraps up on July 11. Yes, my viewing habits are that schizo.
There are so many 'Mad Men' questions gagging to be answered: will Betty seriously dump Don & go through with the divorce? Will campy Sal return (I hope so!)? Will any sparks reignite between Roger & Joan (I hope so, too!)? And will Roger and Don really be able to work together so closely? I mean, they're all piled on top of one another in that Manhattan hotel room... oh, stop! Dirty minds, the lot of you!
Mad Men,
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
RATE IT! Who Isn't in Vogue?

Not content to offer one cover starlet for their May 2010 issue, the French zine gets in a huff and splashes SIX on for size. Actually, make that SEVEN famous faces if you count the third (yes! there are three!) alternate cover that features that pop tart Bono.
So let's see... there's Meryl, Gwyneth, Kate, Naomi, Julianne and guest editor, Penelope. Not asking for much...
Over to you, American Vogue!
RATE IT! Barbie as... Joan Jett?

Who knew?! I completely missed the toy boat with these official Barbie offerings; released last Fall just in time for the Christmas shopping season.
The "Ladies of the '80s" Barbie doll collection has a musical muse for just about every pop culture taste, however, the fourth doll in the series, a seemingly un-rock 'n' roll Barbara Streisand, is kinda the outsider of this clique, don't you think? Madonna would have been the ideal gang leader for this set but maybe Madge was just too scared to wrestle Joan Jett for that title? I would be!
Monday, April 19, 2010
RATE IT! Posh Looks... Well, Posh!

Victoria Beckham sitting pretty on the cover of the May issue of German Vogue.
Elegant and really gorgeous -- many of her covers come off looking a bit snooty and hard, but not his one.
Friday, April 16, 2010
RATE IT! Happy Sloth Necklace

ShanaLogic is now offering this adorable Sloth necklace on their website.
Cute, yes...
Realistic, no....
Sloths are in no way cute. I think someone needs to check out National Geographic more often.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
RATE IT! Elvis Lives

Boring translucent sticky tape gets a rock 'n' roll makeover in this Elvis-inspired dispenser available through The plastic dude does a hip swivel and a slice of tape is yours for the taking.
Peanut butter & banana sandwiches, not included.
I Am a Geek,
Just Plain Silly,
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
HATE IT! Bye Bye, Betty

Alas, tonight the talented cast of ABC's "Ugly Betty" will be taking its final collective bow. In an age when social networking takes the place of real in-your-face interactions, and everyone seems disconnected and in such a hurry, "Ugly Betty" provided a charming respite from the world's ills -- a colourful place to have a laugh, shed a tear or two and be wickedly entertained with some of the best writing on TV today.
I'm really going to miss...
...the bitchy brilliance of Marc and Amanda (Michael Urie and Becki Newton). Seriously, it was a shame that these two actors weren't given their own series... a spin-off, even. I could watch the verbal volleys of these two for hours. Becki Newton has already started filming her next series so any chance of a last minute Marc & Amanda TV rescue are indeed, kaput. Such a major missed opportunity. Such a shame.
...the wonderful underling/boss relationship of Betty and Daniel (America Ferrera and Eric Mabius). I'm hoping that as I write this post, the finale doesn't feature these two hooking up as some rumours are suggesting. To me, it would be so wrong! I like the fact that their relationship has grown from distrust and distain to mutual affection and understanding. They're close but not too close -- in an icky, sexual way, if you catch my drift. It would be the easy way out to have these two pair up.
...the loving dynamic of the Suarez family. Betty, sis Hilda, nephew Justin, and their Popa. Devoted, supportive & opinionated -- all the best ingredients for a real family, never mind the TV variety. When Betty steps in the door of Casa Suarez in Queens, you just know that despite all that went down back in the dog-eat-dog world of Manhattan, everything will be alright. Just what we all crave & need, right?
...the trials & tribulations of Mode magazine. Yes, I'm biased as I love magazines, writing and every little thing connected to them. Sure, for dramatic effect the daily grind is stretched to the nth degree and much of the story line involving the publication itself is so out there, but it's never boring or dull. Similarly, take Mode's abode -- in all its brashly colourful glory, full of futuristic shapes and strange oddities on display in the halls (shoes! fish! a new *thing* every week!). The Mode offices are cool without really trying. I would SO work there!
For the life of me, I still can't see why ABC decided to stop 'Betty's' run at 4 seasons. The writing this season was much better than last, and the characters all still had much more to accomplish. Networks can't expect ratings to flourish when they drop and drag a series into several time slots all within the same season. No wonder viewers fell by the wayside -- it took plenty of sleuthing on my part to keep tabs on just where 'Betty' had landed (thank goodness for the PVR!). I'm sure ABC will probably fill the void in prime time with another bland sitcom or unwatchable reality show -- nothing that could possibly come close to the heart, brilliance and beauty that was 'Ugly Betty.'
(photo: ABC)
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
RATE IT! No Longer on the Fringe

I'm thrilled to hear that Joshua Jackson scored the lead actor award for his emotional turn in 'One Week.' Brilliant, simply brilliant... I am so thrilled for him. The role is quite different from his day job in "Fringe", so it's fantastic to see Josh getting "officially" recognized for his acting on the big screen.
If you haven't had the privilege of watching 'One Week', I urge you to do so -- best movie of 2009 in my books.
(photo of Diane Kruger & Joshua Jackson in Toronto last night: Jack Boland/QMI Agency)
RATE IT! Blizzard on Wheels

Talk about pimping your ride - the traditional ice cream van is getting the ultimate makeover just in time for the heat & humidity. Love the DQ red plastic spoons as windshield wipers, and the overflowing Blizz popping out of the roof. Me thinks that might be an Oreo Blizzard? The big red lips, DQ might want a rethink. They're kinda scary!
Making its way across the US and Canada from April through to August, the DQ Blizzardmobile will be stopping in several cities each day (Yay! Toronto IS on the list - May 18) to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the DQ Blizzard. Spot this ice cream dream on wheels and a special Mini Blizzard treat will be yours. Blizz fans may also get the chance to jump inside the Blizzard Blaster (a huge life size Blizzard cup!) & earn DQ coupons for all sorts of delectable products.
Dairy Queen's Facebook page will update the progress of the Blizzardmobile so you won't miss out on any ice cream stalking opportunities. Most importantly of all, if you *do* encounter the DQ crew in your travels, be sure to make a donation to the Children's Miracle Network when you pick up your mini Blizzard -- DQ will be accepting donations for this wonderful charity throughout the tour, plus two of their destinations (Minneapolis, Aug. 5; Calgary, Aug. 12) coincide with Miracle Treat Day, the DQ tradition where a $1 from every Blizz purchased goes to the Children's Miracle Network.
It's a win-win situation!
Blizzard Joy,
Yum That Was Good
Monday, April 12, 2010
RATE IT! Feeding My Addiction

Cadbury - yes, makers of Dairy Milk, Chocolate Buttons, Flake and all the BEST chocolate on the planet - are set to open several Cadbury-branded cafes serving afternoon tea and treats across the UK. Currently pencilled in to be called 'Cadbury Cocoa Houses', the first establishment is due to open in London before the close of 2010.
Word has it that large versions of their famous chocolate bars will be created on cafe premises! Looks like a trip to the UK later in the year might be just the treat!
Yum That Was Good
Friday, April 9, 2010
RATE IT! I Can Go For That

Okay, okay, I'm probably one of the few that can actually listen to Duran Duran's much panned 1995 attempt at a cover celebration, the album 'Thank You' (People, it *did* have its great moments...'White Lines' kicks butt, and Lou Reed himself raved about Duran's version of his 'Perfect Day') but I think that I've come across one of the best cover tributes EVER.
The Bird & the Bee do Hall & Oates. Yep, seriously. "Interpreting the Masters, Vol. 1: A Tribute to Daryl Hall & John Oates." It would be quite easy to make a mess of songs that we all know and can sing by heart but in the talented care of Greg and Inara, there's no cause to worry. It's GOOD...really GOOD!
Take H&O's FM playlist fave, "I Can't Go For That" .... It sounds updated and fresh with Inara's poppy, breathy vocals swirling through Greg's playful synth charms. It's catchy and irresistible. Most of Hall & Oates faves are here but I must say that I do miss the inclusion of 'Out of Touch' -- but that's my only grumble.
The perfect album to truly put Spring into your step. And...if you do like this latest offering from the Bird & the Bee, be sure to check out their other releases - fab-ness all around.
Duran Duran,
Monday, April 5, 2010
The Heart Does Break

I'm so sorry to have disappeared quite suddenly a few weeks back (I must thank Blogger's automatic posting feature for making it appear somewhat that I was *here*). It's not in my nature to just *vanish* -- since I typically hang out here each & every day for a spell, and I feel my absence should be addressed ever so briefly.
I tend to keep my most personal moments private & refrain from writing about them on my site but life as I have known it -- forever -- has changed drastically for me. My beloved Mum died almost three weeks ago after a year long battle with lung cancer. My family & I are devastated and the painful process of resurfacing to our "normal" lives is proving difficult. "Normal" will now be forever changed and I think it might take awhile for us to all find our way. I haven't had the heart to write since, but I'm hoping that this first post back on the other side of normal might help me find the path that I had started...
The most routine tasks are tough right now, and I'm not shy in saying that I'm looking for solace...somewhere, anywhere. I have been trying to read a new book called 'The Heart Does Break: Canadian Writers on Grief and Mourning' compiled by Jean Baird and George Bowering (published by Random House). It's a collection of personal recollections of renowned authors on the loss of a loved one. It's painful to read and I can see my own situation mirrored in the prose, especially within the moving "Her Great Art" by Jill Frayne about her wonderful mother, June Callwood. Frayne writes, "we're different without her...June was the centre and every distance out from her has shifted, every axis on a new tilt...I'm a different woman with my mother gone. Less brave, more ordinary. If this is grief, it feels like vertigo, a kind of motion sickness. I'm making myself over, without my mother. Now that she doesn't call me, or put flowers in my room, or settle an appraising eye on me, I'm not who I was...".
It's too early to say whether this book will help me deal, but at least it makes me feel like I'm not alone in feeling so lost right now.
I'm hoping to find it in me to post more regularly soon - at least Blogger's automatic posting function will make it seem so. :)
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