Not content to offer one cover starlet for their May 2010 issue, the French zine gets in a huff and splashes SIX on for size. Actually, make that SEVEN famous faces if you count the third (yes! there are three!) alternate cover that features that pop tart Bono.
So let's see... there's Meryl, Gwyneth, Kate, Naomi, Julianne and guest editor, Penelope. Not asking for much...
Over to you, American Vogue!
ooohhh, i like that cover!! just bought the latest British Vogue (and i haven't bought a fashion mag for AGES) ... i've got to say, it was a pretty good issue.
Weird. The blog main page shows 'no comments' for this post but clearly there are. Blogger, please fix your glitch!
Thanks for the comment, Judy!
This cover's much more chic, I think, than the US version.
Kate Winslet looks a bit odd to me though. Almost not her.... I blame the harsh make up.
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