In important entertainment news... the Kardashian sisters are fighting over who's the fittest in a swimsuit.
Bet your day just wouldn't be the same if you didn't know this important bit of pop culture fluff.
Who buys this trash? I'm all for writers making a living but seriously? Have some integrity!
Publishers would bag poo with their bare hands if people would buy it, displayed at the check-out counter line.
Gross.... but true!
Yup, I agree. I don't get it. Honestly. Don't understand why anyone would care about any celeb type gossip but then I'm too busy to catch the news nevermind what Lyndsey and co think/wear/swear/not wear/care. Yeah, that's it. Too busy running around to have time to read dross. I sound like a sanctamonious cow. One who can't spell too lol.
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